StockMatusow, stockmatusow (149 clicks) Long/short equity, deep value, value, research analyst Send Message| Follow (3,294) Written by Scott Matusow and Kyle Dennis We typically cover developmental pharmaceutical companies, but this week we want to bring attention to a medical device…
Author: Scott Matusow
Video: Market Commentary and Chart Review For Week Feb.2nd
Video: Market Commentary and Chart Review For Week Feb.2nd. $SGYP $ARAY $PGNX $PRAN $HALO reviewed. Macro forecast discussed. Huge macro data this week for the market. ADP on Wednesday, then Non Farm Payrolls on Friday. Very good to great numbers…
Video: Market Commentary For Friday Jan. 31, 2014
Market Commentary For Friday Jan. 31, 2014. Macros covered, $SPY review on potential Head and Shoulders, $ARAY commentary and brief explanation of expanded trade calls from us + more, enjoy! Scott
Free Public Preview Video: Explanation on Current Market Situation Jan.29, 2014
Explanation on Current Market Situation Jan.29, 2014. $SPY reviewed later on in video. Mis-speak, I said “76 Million jobs” I later correct that to the proper “76 thousand jobs” I speak about potential head and shoulders in the charts, as…
Stocks on long trade watch if market rallies on Fed + S&P opinion
Stocks on long trade watch if market rallies on fed – $ARAY, $HALO $SSH $SGYP S&P top of range = 1815-20 (right shoulder top on potential H&S) Roll over (market huge tank) = 1770-72, then next stop high 1600 range,…
VIDEO: Market Commentary and Select Charts For 1/26/14
VIDEO: Market Commentary and Select Chart For 1/26/14 $HALO, $ARAY, $ATRS, $NTWK, $GIG, $OSIR, $SGYP covered and explained. $ARAY situation and thesis explained a bit more (bare with me on that, I flub it a bit) along with some explanation…
Video Commentary for Jan. 25th, 2014
Video Commentary for Jan. 25th, 2014. Audio is a little hummy for some reason, so please try to bare with it, as this is a good video commentary explaining the market for next week. No charts on this, but stocks…
HD Video: Market Commentary and Charts Reviewed Jan. 24th, 2014
Market Commentary and Charts Reviewed Jan. 24th, 2014. $PGNX $SGYP $PRAN $ATOS $NTWK $IBB. Commentary given on those plus market over view, $ZLTQ commentary, $PRAN and $ATOS commentary plus additional commentary, enjoy! Scott
HD Video: Commentary and Charts For Jan. 22, 2014
Trying out new High Def format, let us know what you think! Commentary and Charts For Jan. 22, 2014. $NTWK, $OSIR, $PGNX, $GIG, $NLNK I left out $ZLTQ because the stock is being manipulated by $JPM and $GS so no…
Sell Watch: Zeltiq Has Become Over Speculated
Written by Scott Matusow with contribution from Michael Kovar. At StockMatusow, we mainly focus on long based trades and investments, preferring to stay away from what many would perceive as “bashing.” However, from time to time, we see companies absurdly…